News 25 of June - New designs and price update

Hello! was a big time that we didnt write a new update about our page. For the first one, Im glad that so many people like our products, love our art and share our products at many sharing pages too. Thank you so much for that support.
Now we are working for draw more characters and also importing new design for make more bigger our page too. Also The difference you will look through the framework that contains the main images of the dakimakura (Pink framework made by Mitgard Studio and green framework made from other artist or imported from other service).
The last changues is about the price about our products, these will got a changue for this August 1th 2018. The reason is that new laws have been made that are being applied in our country. This has caused the price increase of several products, in fabrics, transportation, light, etc. For this reason, we are forced to raise the prices of our products to $4-$5 on average. These price changes will be reflected from that date mentioned so stay tuned. Of course, later there will be some purchase discounts, so this will be maintained on the following holiday dates.
Meanwhile, we continue working to create new arts never seen before and continue customizing the orders that you wish to make. Thank you very much for your attention.