Hello! the last month was great to know that many of you like so much our products and illustrations, Also we received many orders for custom body pillows too. For that now we show you the products that was added of the last month:
- Filo from The rising of the shield Hero by KushinaBx
- Raphtalia from The rising of the shield hero by KushinaBx
- Chika Fujiwara from Love is war by Mitgard-Knight
- Raiden from Mortal Kombat by Mitgard-Knight
- Impey Barbicane from Code Realize by Mitgard-Knight
- Chris Tagikawa from Ace of diamond by Mitgard-Knight
- Dante from Devil May Cry 5 by Mitgard-Knight
- Ada Wong from Resident Evil 2 by Mitgard-Knight
We are waiting for add many illustrations more to our store for this April month. Also we will add a new fabric that is the 2-way tricot fabric. It will be avaliable for this week.
Dont lose the SPRINGSALE to get our -10% with any order at our store until this April 8th by this link:
We are working for update the store for you can finally can purchase our posters, towels and more plushies too with all our original desings. Have a great Day!
Also if you need any info about our products or custom you can write us to: contact@mitgard.com